The Unwritten Rules Of A Facebook Community (Ours, Specifically!)

The Unwritten Rules Of A Facebook Community (Ours, Specifically!)

Don't gatekeep your glowy routine.
The Great Go-To Bake Off, At A Glance Reading The Unwritten Rules Of A Facebook Community (Ours, Specifically!) 3 minutes Next Two Customers (New And Loyal) On How Go-To Has Helped Their Skin

Facebook Groups can be a source of infinite wisdom, the weird and the wonderful kind. Ours specifically: Your Go-To Gang features (very close to!) 25,000 skincare obsessives sharing their skin type, skin concerns, current routines and Go-To wishlists.  

To help reveal a few unwritten rules of this online community, we called on one of our very enthusiastic lifetime members, Georgie Potter, to hit us with the do’s. And the gatekeepers of this gang, being the Go-To Community Team, jumped in with the don’ts

Do treat people with kindness. 

Because everyone deserves to feel safe enough to share their opinions and respected when they do, and Harry Styles would be disappointed if you didn't follow this rule. Do you really want to disappoint Harry Styles, Sharon? DO YOU?! 

Do report spam. 

Because bots aren’t passionate about skincare and they definitely don't double cleanse (sigh). You may also report the tinned spam variety. That stuff is nasty.

Do post memes.

They're memes. We shouldn't need to explain why. (But we will, thanks Georgie! Because while we’re serious about skincare, we appreciate a good giggle too.) 

Do share honest reviews of your Go-To products.

Our community loves to share personal experiences of how Go-To products smell, feel, and taste (please no). In doing this, we can help each other master our routines, befriend our skin types, and get to the bottom of any pesky issues such as purging, pilling, and knowing juuust how many backup bottles of Properly Clean is too many. (Answer: No such thing.) 

Do show us any peach-based paraphernalia you come across. 

For example: Peach clothing, peach earrings, peach lollies, peach bath mats, peach fill-in-the-blank. Because we are all enablers, and we're ok with that. 

Don’t be a stranger.

There’s nothing we love more than seeing our Go-To Gang interacting. We’ve witnessed real friendships form thanks to the recommendations, advice, and banter shared. Heck, sometimes you guys even send little care packages to each other! 

Don’t share private information.

If you’ve got a question about your order, address, or delivery, don’t post it in the group for everyone to see - contact us directly via DM or email, and we’ll get it sorted for you stat.

Don’t keep your routine to yourself. 

Whilst some of our members are seasoned, others have just stumbled across Go-To. These newbies might need a helping hand with product layering and knowing what ingredients gel with each other (kakadu plum and niacinamide), and what ingredients do not pair well (tomato sauce and milkshakes). Especially when we introduce new products to the range. 

Don’t lock away your grand ideas.

Think that Face Hero should come in a 1L bottle? Dreaming of a luxurious night cream? Tell us! Please! The Suggestion Box is real, and we might just be forwarding your ideas directly to the formulations team. 

Don’t dilly-dally.

Join us, here! Now! If we haven’t sold it already, might I add it’s where you can find exclusive giveaways and read Top Secret News™ before anyone else.
