Spring Clean Your Beauty Routine

Spring Clean Your Beauty Routine

Winter is well on its way out the door, along with hot chocolates and days and nights in an Oodie. It’s time to say hello to Spring! Welcome warm weather! Flowers! Sneezes! You’ve been missed. It’s the season of tidying, decluttering and Marie-Kondo-ing. It’s time to breathe some fresh air into your life, your home and your beauty routine. This year your spring cleaning isn’t just about tackling your house and wardrobe - your skincare and beauty deserve some refreshing as well.

Let’s spring right into it. (Sorry.)

Switch Up Your Routine

As the weather gets warmer and humidity increases our skin tends to be a lil’ sweatier than usual, making it more likely to produce oil. Those rich and lush hydration heavyweights that come out during Winter can be tucked away (or used sparingly when your skin needs an extra boost e.g. after a day in the sun).

Stick to lightweight moisturisers, creams and serums, and keep oils in your PM routine only. And of course, SPF! Every day! Thanks! 

You can find more detailed tips on how to Spring-ify your skincare routine, here.

Declutter And Check Expiration Dates

It’s time to utilise Marie Kondo’s tidying expertise with your skincare and beauty collection and toss those products that are no longer in date or used often. Your beauty and skincare products should have a tiny symbol that looks like an open Very Useful Face Cream tub with a number and M in it, for example 12M. This is a period-after-opening symbol and identifies how long a product is useful for. Go over everything in your skincare stash and get rid of anything that’s out of date. (Yes, that includes the cherry lip gloss from when you were 18.)

While you’re sorting through all your products, keep an eye out for double ups in palettes, lipstick shades, and highlighters. Do you really need 10 different neutral palettes? Take note of what products you naturally gravitate towards and stick with them. If there are any you don’t get any use from but they’re still in date, consider passing it along to a mate you think might enjoy it.

When you’re tossing your expired products, we recommend recycling them through TerraCycle. You can drop them off at your local Mecca, David Jones or Priceline. Easy!

Organise Your Skincare and Beauty Storage

Now that you’ve culled the no-longer-useful products. It’s time to organise the survivors! Optimise your space by arranging your products with the ones you reach for most in the front, and those you use less often in the back. If you have more than one of each product keep them in their families, all the moisturisers together, serums over here, cleansers there. You get it!

If you’ve done some skincare or beauty stocking up (who hasn’t?), it’s also a good idea to pop those newer prods towards the back for the time being so you can use up what you currently have before they expire.

Clean Your Beauty Tools

We all know we have to do it, but it’s one of those things that slips your mind until you’re using your brushes and that pink eyeshadow dusts onto your eyes when you were really going for brown this time.

Take the seasons changing as an urgent reminder to clean your brushes and we’ll pretend that you haven’t been forgetting to for the past two months. Pop on The Bear for an easy-on-the-eye distraction and get to washing. (Here is how to perfectly clean your makeup brushes.) (You’re welcome.)

Skincare tools are ripe for harbouring bacteria and so should be cleaned after each and every use, but take this opportunity to give them a mighty deep clean.

Try Out a Bright New Product

Now that you’ve updated your routine, recycled prods that are expired or not used, organised your space and cleaned your tools, it’s time for a treat. You may have stumbled across a few gaps in your collection, or maybe you’ve had to chuck something you loved but had expired.

Replace some of the dusty, crusty products with shiny new ones. Looking to try the tomato girl trend? Or need to upgrade your cleansing routine? Spring is the time! It’s the place! It’s the moment! Enjoy!

Any other spring cleaning tips? Favourite playlist to blast while spring cleaning? Let us know in the comments below!